3 Tips For Flossing While You Have Temporary Dental Crowns

Posted on: 18 May 2017

If you have recently had temporary dental crowns placed, you may wonder if there is anything special you need to do to take care of them. If so, use the following three tips for flossing between temporary crowns. Use The Right Dental Floss While you may think all dental floss is made the same, there are a few options available. One key to taking care of your temporary crowns is to choose the right one that will not snag on the bottom and pull on the crown.
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How To Cover Up Silver Amalgam Fillings Without Replacing Them

Posted on: 4 May 2017

If you've ever had a tooth filled with a silver amalgam filling, you know how unsightly they can be. An otherwise perfect-looking smile can be marred by a silver amalgam filling, which points out to anyone looking at your smile that you've had dental work done. Unfortunately, getting amalgam fillings replaced isn't easy, but thankfully, covering them up is. Read on to learn more about what you can do to make your smile look perfect without having to have your fillings removed and replaced.
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Win The Battle Against Oral Bacteria With These Decay Prevention Tips

Posted on: 26 April 2017

There's a battle going on in your mouth! The key players are oral bacteria and your tooth enamel. If oral bacteria are allowed to take the lead, you may end up with cavities and tooth decay. It's up to you to help your teeth fend off these bacteria and the decay they cause. Here are some ways to help your teeth win the battle. Say "no" to sugary beverages. It's no secret that soda is bad for your teeth, but this is just one of the few sugary beverages you're best off avoiding.
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Veneers Or Bonding For Tooth Enamel Erosion?

Posted on: 26 April 2017

Did you know that tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body? That's good for your teeth's protection. However, enamel is not indestructible. If you've lost a significant amount of enamel, there are several possible solutions. Here is a comparison of two of them: bonding and veneers.  Be Kind to your Enamel Enamel is the hard, outer covering of your teeth. It protects the living part of your tooth from trauma or damage caused by things such as sugars and acids.
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